Heater Replacement in Noblesville, Fishers & Carmel, IN and the Surrounding Areas
Heater Replacement in Noblesville, Fishers, Carmel, Cicero, McCordsville, Pendleton, Fortville, Ingalls, Lapel, Edgewood, Alexandria, Frankton, Sheridan, IN and Surrounding Areas
Knowing the right time for a Heater Replacement in Noblesville, Fishers & Carmel, IN and Surrounding Areas is as important as knowing when to service your heater. As a rule, the best time to replace a water heater is often driven by the equipment’s manufacturer.

However, there are some standard tell-tale signs that you might need to make the change now.
Signs You Need a Heater Replacement
As professionals in the field, the Dutch Heating & Cooling team often sees these five signs that a water heater installation has done its time. If you are experiencing any of the below, we urge you contact us so we can do a proper inspection.
Heater Leaking Water
Leaks: Water pooling around the base of your heater is usually a sure sign of a heater gone bad.
Inconsistent Heat
Intermittent/erratic operation: This may mean hot water some of the time, water that is improperly heated or sudden loss of hot water during a single use.
Noises Coming From Heater
Weird noises: The sudden appearance of rumbling and rattling is often a clear indication that age, use, location or some other factor has taken its toll on your heater.
Rusty Water
Rust in your water: Rusty water means rusty heater and rust is never a good sign when it comes to any kind of equipment.
Bad Odor
Bad odor: Unless something got into your water source or pipe, foul-smelling hot water usually means it is time to call us.
Additionally, a heater should generally be replaced once it is over 10 years old. As expected, this time could be more or less depending on how it is used and care for (including servicing).