4 Signs That Your AC Is Calling For Help

With the temperatures we’ve been having during the past few weeks in Indiana, the last thing on your mind is probably Air Conditioner. But, we at Dutch Heating and Cooling LLC would like to bring your attention to it since it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Especially if by the time you need it most, it doesn’t start and to be honest there’s nothing worse than having to spend money when you didn’t plan to.
Air Conditioners need maintenance periodically. We would advise that you run a check on your AC system, regardless whether it’s central or ductless, just to make sure that everything is working perfect and that you won’t need to replace it in the worst case, or simply get an AC repair service in Fishers, IN. To make things easier for you, we’d like to share some signs that your AC might need an upgrade rather sooner than later.
Are you calling us more than usual?
We value our customers as if they were our family, and as much as we love to get in touch with you, it might be a bad sign for your AC if you’re needing to repair it so often. We would advise you to do some math and think if your recent repairs are adding up to at least half the price of a new unit. It’s normal to have some issues with your system every couple of years, but when it becomes a monthly problem you will end up saving a lot more by bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new.
It’s well over 10 years old
The average lifespan of a well-taken-care-of AC system is around the 10 years mark. If the one you have at home has been working for that long or even longer, it’s very likely it will start presenting issues more often. You can still have it around for another couple of years, but when the repairs start to add up, it might be better to consider getting a new one.
What about the bills?
A good way to determine if your AC is growing old is if you compare the bills you’re getting with the ones at the same time last year. If you can notice a considerable increase in the costs, it could be that one of your appliances might not be working properly. In the case of it being your air conditioner, problems such as leaking or low refrigerant could be generating extra loads of electricity. In some circumstances, even phantom loads might be present and they should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid further wasting of your precious money. We at Dutch Heating and Cooling LLC take pride in our excellent service for AC Contractor Noblesville and the quality of our products. Whether you need an installation, replacement or an AC repair Noblesville, and Fishers, IN.
Is it more humid than usual?
One of the aspects that come with an AC system is the fact that they absorb some of the humidity present in the area where they’re working. In the case of a central system, a general feeling of humidity in your house might be a sign that your AC is not working to its full potential. Though this might have some positive effects for your throat and your skin, it’s still a warning sign that something is not right.
We’re always at your Furnace repair Noblesville service to guarantee customer satisfaction and comfort. Give us a call today at (317) 399-7839. We’d love to hear from you.